C++ Institute

Data publikacji:  25.03.2022
The C++ Institute is a non-profit project run by the Open Education and Development Group (OpenEDG), and established to promote the C/C++ programming languages, provide a global framework for C/C++ examinations as well as enhance, develop and support professional careers in C/C++ programming and related technologies.
Our mission: To promote the C/C++ programming languages, provide a global framework for C/C++ examinations as well as enhance, develop and support professional careers in C/C++ programming and related technologies.

The C++ Institute is an international project launched in 2011 under the auspices of Fundacja IT, a non-profit organization whose primary activity revolves around supporting initiatives that promote the idea of building a modern, educated and digital society.

The C++ Institute brings together a committed community of IT professionals, programming specialists, programming enthusiasts, education establishments, training organizations, companies and volunteers who strive for quality development, assessment excellence and the popularization of programming in the C and C++ languages.

The C++ Institute is recognized as the world’s leading organization offering a high-stakes C/C++ certification programme, allowing candidates to test at thousands of accessible and secure testing centres worldwide.

One of the primary goals of the C++ Institute is to set the standard of skills as well as provide development opportunities for individuals who wish to pursue a career in C/C++ programming.

Deklaracja C++ instutute

Kategoria organizacji: Grupa zainteresowań
Członek koalicji krajowej: Tak
Docelowi odbiorcy: Umiejętności cyfrowe dla profesjonalistów, Umiejętności cyfrowe dla zatrudnionych i poszukujących pracy
Poziom umiejętności cyfrowych: Podstawowy, Średni, Zaawansowany, Ekspercki
Dziedziny: Tworzenie i analizowanie oprogramowania i aplikacji
Technologia cyfrowa: oprogramowanie
Typ inicjatywy: Międzynarodowa
Zasięg geograficzny: Polska
Głos w dółGłos w górę (Brak głosów)

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